After been on both sides of the fence so to speak (been senior pastors of a congregation, part of a denomination, and just been a itinerary woman minister), I am always confounded by the first words asked when you approach churches/Ministers about working together in their town to create a day of fun for woman.
the big question "WHO'S COVERING ARE YOU UNDER"
Now don't get your knickers in a knot. I believe in covering and that we should not be moving around like lone rangers on our own little horse. But I wonder where did all the great names of faith start out?
I might not be a pastors wife anymore but does that mean my calling is taken away from me has God changed His mind because my hubby felt lead to do more for God in the market place and the denomination we where under didn't understand what we where trying to do?
I might not preach to thousands or have a following of people, but my heart is to see the woman of God restored made whole...
Don't worry I do have a covering; and that covering has not come just because I cute but because there is a relationship and a accountability with them.
I just wonder at times how many Godly gifted people have been misunderstood and forced into lone ranger state because of the big question! Just wondering just wondering!!
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Monday, May 3, 2010
My new blog header
stepping out of the vortex 1
So much has happened over the last few months and in some cases I didnt feel the liberty to write about them...and there are some things I still wont share here as I believe it wont bring credit to anyone.
life for me has been a series of small and big happenings some have plunged me into a vortex of self destruction and others into isolation.
one great lesson I have learnt in all of this is to surround yourself with people that care about your vision (not just yours), because if you dont your vision will grow fussy.....
I have had some precious times with the Lord in the last 5 months and felt the Holy Spirit releasing me this morning to start writting again....I am an encourager and if I had written in the time that has passed it would have not done any justice to the call God has placed on my life.....
I would really love to thank all my Dolla friends that have stood by me and allowed me to take the mask of life off and just be plain Deborah they span from the USA to Christ Church New Zealand thank you for every word in season a smile or just a hug over facebook. LOVE YOU DOLLA"S