Wednesday, May 30, 2007

I am bible study

Background Passages
Exodus 3:10-22

Key Verse:
"But Moses said to God, 'Who am I, that I should to to Pharaoh and that I should bring the sons of Israel out of Egypt?'"
Exodus 3:11

"Who am I?"

That, girls, is a loaded question. The world tells us our identity is defined by our appearance and possessions. In a sense, the world is correct in identifying our worth as something outside ourselves. However, notice when Moses asked the question in the above referenced passage, God did not respond with a list of all Moses' qualifications. Instead He said, "I will be with you."

God is asking no less of us today than to believe He is sufficient to accomplish any and everything He could ever ask of us. He doesn't choose us because we are qualified, but because He wants to trust us with His Wonders. The thing about Wonders is that they aren't very wonderful if they do not originate from the ordinary. Let's explore this a bit in our Discussion.

Discussion Questions:

1. How would you answer the questions, "Who Am I?"
If I wanted to come across as miss super spiritual I could answer you all the right answers like I am the righteousness of Christ, I am redeemed by the blood of the Lamb, which would be all the correct answers but I think honesty would suffice here, first a wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend just an unknown face in a crowd with one difference I am the daughter of the Most High God, do I walk in that everyday? No when storms surface, I forget the redeeming qualities of my Savior and become the world, so who am I ….. All I can say is a work in progress.
2. Have you ever been in a situation where you felt inadequate because of your lack of a 'tagline'?All the time just the other night I spoke to my beloved saying that in less then 2years I am 40 and what do I have to show for it, my fellow lady conference speakers mostly all have degrees, I look at this teaching we receive every week and I wonder how I made it thus far with no tagline. Don’t get me wrong I went to school and bible school but that was it for me I was a very young mommy and home was my school of hard knocks. So yes I don’t have a tagline when I speak at conferences and all these darling friends are so gifted and diplomed (if there is a word like that)
3. Do you have skills or position that you believe God could use mightily if only He would?Gee that is a tough one, in all honesty I don’t know how to answer this one, Maybe my gift of the gab, I would love God to use me more in that direction in speaking etc,
4. Have you ever lost a position or station in life you believe could have 'helped God out' with something He has asked you to do? If you haven't lost out, do you perhaps feel you have to gain this in order to be useful to the Kingdom?
Oh my now to see if the wounds of old are truly healed, yes when we left ministry 4years ago my life came to an abrupt holt, I was devastated I felt that if God had given us more grace (remember that is how I felt) then it would not be so difficult to walk in the calling He has for me in the woman’s ministry. I believed that because we had stepped down from ministry I was a failure and that I could have helped God out if He had kept us there. However I know that this is not the truth, God uses you no matter if you have position or not.
5. How are you with your dialogue vs. doubt conversations with God? Which does God hear most from you? I guess God and I have an agreement on the dialog situation, I have learnt to sit at His feet and be still, and believe me it is not easy as I am a real chatterbox and like to express my own opinion. In the last 25 years my walk with God has gone from one sided to a full on conversation, where I listen and He talks and I am able to chat with my Abba Father and enjoy true heart felt chats with Him

6. Do you believe God's Wonders become more wonderful if they originate in the ordinary? Any Scripture references come to mind?1Co 15:46 But not the spiritual first, but the natural; afterward the spiritual.

Yes I believe it because the word says first in the natural and then in the spiritual, I think for us human beings its easier to see the natural because we are so aware of it, even though it would be so awesome if we continually walk according to the Spirit and not the flesh, but there is still lots of construction going on in my life for me to walk completely according to the Spirit so that is why I enjoy the wonders in the ordinary…. I hope I am making sense here.


The Open Range Camping Family said...

Wow, your answers are so encouraging! I know, its easy to say what we are, but its another thing to truly believe it and live a life by it!

I'm sorry for your pain over stepping down from ministry. I know that had to be difficult. Thank you for sharing so honestly this morning. I needed to read that :)

Have a blessed day!

Nise' said...

I am so blessed by the honesty of everyones answers! I agree with Dana iti s easy to say, but its another thing to live the thing out!

Mindy said...

HI Deborah!
I LOVE your answers!
Your number 1 answer had me AMENING! I am SO a work in progress!
And I can only imagine what I would feel if for some reason hubby and I left ministry. I'm afraid I too would feel that life had come to an abrupt halt!

Denise said...

You are a sweet blessing.

forgiven4this said...

What a true and amazing blessing this was to read. Thank you for sharing you beautiful heart, have a blessed day!

Connie Barris said...

Perfect sense....

I love that everyone is so open and honest....

it is a great to know I am not alone on this journey....


Gretchen said...

You do indeed make sense, my friend. I think God will use that pain that you describe in the halting of your ministry several years before. He ministers to my heart every time I read your blog.

Also, it's funny how the "grass is always greener"...I have degrees and a career that I stopped for the children, and even though it's pride that makes me want to mention my career, it's NOTHING. NOTHING compared to my ministry as a mother. I realize that not all women are able to be mothers, so it's all the more precious to me. And...fleeting. Blessings to you!

Lisa @ The Preacher's Wife said...

You are awesome Deborah! No false pretense with you! :))

Loved the Scriptures you used also..

Much love!


Miriam Pauline said...

Your answers really encouraged me this week. Bless you for sharing.

Susanne said...

I loved the final sentence of your #1 answer:"... All I can say is a work in progress." AMEN SISTER!! You are His masterpiece!! He is working in your life everyday to add what you need in order to be perfect and complete!
Thanks for sharing your beautifully honest answers. You always bless my heart!
Love and Prayers to you, Darling One!!

Anonymous said...

i love how you say God doesn't need qualifications to use but just need a person and the whole thing about being the Daughter of Most High God is what distingushes you from the crowd i love that Moses answered God "If Your presence does not go with us do not send us out" and thats dependence and knowledge that God, man... nothing with Saviour King is impossible.... Love that