Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Last night I was asked to share my testimony at our home group and I was so honored to do so, and keeping in mind that I did not want to bring glory on my life before Christ, I had prayed and asked the Holy Spirit to guide me in doing so, I spoke out of Ezekiel 16:4-13 which is really so precious to me as this speaks of my life, but some how the enemy showed up and I felt as if I had thrown a priceless pearl before the swine’s, so one insinuated that I was dishonoring my parents and the man that raped me!!!

I went home angered and my beloved just put his arms around me and said you know honey the word says we must not argue about the gospel, let’s not let the enemy get the foot hold in here… I would have loved to have been a virgin bride, I would have loved to have had one marriage and not two, and I would have loved to have grown up in a home that served God… but that was not the case…. But one thing My Lord … and how I love Him so much... has taught me is I can never reshape my past but I can shape my present!

This morning as I was reading Job (yes I was feeling sorry for myself) these 9 things stood out to me:
® Job stopped whining and listens because he becomes desperate. ( am I desperate enough to want to be found in God’s presence, to listen to Him)
® He acknowledged that he has missed it. (Will I acknowledge when I have missed God’s guidance?)
® He repents. (oh Father that I would be quick to repent)
® Responds in obedience to God’s strategy
® Then God restores
® Can I become like Job’s three daughters
® Jem (the dove) will I live out the Spirit of God, will I find my comfort from the Holy Spirit and not from man.
® Keza (cinnamon perfumed oil) will I be that fragrance of Christ, no matter what I face.
® Kishacogh (dark eyes inner beauty reflected outwards) no matter what I have been through and seen in my life will my inner beauty of been in the Fathers presence shine through.

Dolla’s I want to leave this scripture with you that never to back down from your testimony:

They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.Revelation 12:10-12


ThreeGirlyGirls said...

I just loved this......I love that verse too, how amazing is our God! Praying for you today!

Jessica said...

I am so sorry that you had to endure such an awful past! One of my favorite verses is "He will restore the years the locusts have eaten." I can't remember the passage right now, but it has helped me remember (many times) that God uses ALL THINGS for His Glory! That had I not gone through some of the bad stuff, I would not be able to recognize how blessed I am now. I pray that Satan will be bound from you and your ministry and that you will be encouraged today!

Mindy said...

Girl -
I love this! Thanks for sharing your comments on Job. The Lord led me to read through it recently and your thoughts are a BIG blessing to me.....
Especially it leaves me asking -- AM I desperate enough to turn to God? Good thing to really think on!
THANKS so much!
In HIM -

Serving Him said...

I am sorry to read about what happened when you shared your testimony last night, but encouraged to see that with this new day, you are seeking God and "pressing on toward the mark of our high calling." May God continue to use you and bless you. Sincerely, Serving Him

Stacey said...

Deborah, I'm glad you came by my blog BECAUSE I found yours--this has been one of those WW's where I've run into several meaningful blogs that I want to mark and visit again.

I believe we aren't supposed to argue about the gospel either, I am positive that's where faith comes in and that mustard seed takes hold! So, Deborah, because you planted the seed, pray for a bountiful harvest and you will please Him. Happy WW ~Stacey

Susanne said...

My Sweet Dolla!!
You have no idea how you touched me today. I have been struggling with how much of my past to divulge in my blog. My post today sort of hinted at it, but (when I was 19) I like you, was a victim of a sexual crime. I think that one of the reasons why I don't like to talk about it in detail is because of the fact that it is satan's #1 weapon against me. But I remember that "no weapon formed against me will prosper". The same with you!! God had a purpose and a plan for you to share your testimony. Don't let the devil steal your joy! Don't give him one second worth of satisfaction!!! Just give it ALL to Jesus,Lovely Princess!! He is ALL YOU NEED!!!
I love you, my sistah!

Terri | Sugar Free Glow said...

Aw, your post really touched me! I was the product of a rape, put up for adoption. I'm so glad that you use it for God's glory and not let it bring you down.

Love the verse you chose to share!

Jen said...

Thanks for the visit and the kind words on my blog...interesting connection. The very blog you commented on was very difficult for me to write.
I was the target of sexual abuse for 10 years by the very person who was the focus of that blog. God had so put on my heart to write a blog that was honoring. I didn't think I could.I asked God to show me what He find the "pearl of great price".
I am so happy that He enabled me to write truth that was still honoring.
Having said all that, I was very touched and sorry to hear what happened as you shared your testimony. Isn't it just like the enemy to try to continue to victimize...especially through the very thing that over comes him?

I love this..."we overcome him by the blood of the lamb and the WORD OF OUR TESTIMONY..."
Not the REACTION to the word of our testimony....just by the very word of our testimony!
So, He is defeated by your obedience, and reactions are God's blessed and healed as you continue to be obedient...that brings honor to the Father.

Nice to "meet" you, and I'll check in again.

A Captured Reflection said...

The Devil just wants to rob, kill and destroy everything doesn't he? Grrrr. I just had the feeling that God is going to use you more and more to speak release and healing over women who have been through these issues, where they have been broken and one of the biggest things he will break is a feeling of 'shame' and having to be silent.

You are paving the way coming in the opposite spirit, saying no to shame and not being silenced, but bringing healing, life and restoration. I look forward to hearing more about what God does through you!