Monday, May 5, 2008


Well dolla’s I have been to the big bad ugly scale and I think I am now a bit of a friend, this week has been very hard with all the holidays and Fred’s birthday and our trip out to the coffee shops so its been a hard week to stay focused on my new lifestyle and trying hard to combined it and get rid of old habits which seem so difficult to break at times.
So as I stripped (yikes) I felt so utterly exposed, I climbed on the scale, but just to back it up on my way down to the weigh in class, I was praying please even if I just loose 1kg which is 2.2 pounds I will be grateful, so I step on the scale, (another interruption, I have stopped all medication, and feel fantastic, no high blood pressure, no high sugar, and well it looks as if my heart rate has come back down to normal, until Fred steps into the picture….) and I am on the scale thinking what if I don’t loose but you know what I have tried my best under holiday fever, and its paid off I have lost 2.2kg (4.84 pounds)yippee yippee! Then came the measuring which was not so bad, I have lost 22cm not sure what that is in inches but I am over the moon, the most is on my tummy and bum area, but the boobs are staying put, told those kids of mine not to blow when I was breastfeeding but no one listens to me (ha ha).
I have also been so good at going to gym and walking the dogs every night even though I had a scarf and gloves on last night when we went, yuck not sure if I will get use to this cold weather, but the up side is I finding the walking both a good work out and a spiritual time of in put as Fred and I have time to pray for the new area we are living in and just to seek the Lord in this time, I must say in the defense of Pretoria its beautiful now that the leaves are change color and heralding in a new season, and that is what I feel God saying to me that He is heralding in a new season with passionate warm fiery colors for my life.
So I have got to terms with doing housework and going to gym and fetching the kids from school and having a good time with the Lord, I am focused on getting fit not just loseing the weight and I feel so much better for it, my friend Deanna has been such an inspiration about walking going read about her here:

love always me


Jen said...

It does feel good to see the hard work pay off doesn't it?
Awesome about the job in your next post as well. God is great at taking care of us.

Bless you, how much more motivation could you get?!?!??!