We have just come back from our annual church family camp, it was a blast. It’s so wonderful when brothers and sisters dwell together in harmony. I think we over catered as usual and below I have posted our very easy to make chocolate pudding which Rene and Janet made with such gusto that we had to give chocolate puddings away as there was way too many for our Thandazanites to finish.
I came back over tired but truly blessed, made some new friends and learnt a lot about myself along the way, when scripture talks about been cheerful under any circumstances it really means that. My 14 year old daughter decided that she was not sleeping on her own and invaded my tiny single bed so for 2 nights I had to share it with her; afterwards I thought how precious that she still wanted to come climb in and share our bed. Children are truly a blessing from God.
Our men folk where caught up in the rugby as we all know by now 2 South African team came through to the finals of the Super 14, so off they wondered to watch it and our team the sharks
lost so lots of droopy faces all around until pudding time which was eaten with lots of gusto and comments.
Sunday morning Service out at the camp grounds was so inspiring and what I got out of it was that we must know that God the Father is looking down saying “that’s My boy that’s My girl look at them I am so proud of them” Don't forget to let your own children know how proud you are of them its so important. We had an awesome time praising the Father together
Lets remember that today as we enjoy been the children of the Most high. To all that where at the camp thank you for making it one of the nicest family camps I have been too!!!!!!
I came back over tired but truly blessed, made some new friends and learnt a lot about myself along the way, when scripture talks about been cheerful under any circumstances it really means that. My 14 year old daughter decided that she was not sleeping on her own and invaded my tiny single bed so for 2 nights I had to share it with her; afterwards I thought how precious that she still wanted to come climb in and share our bed. Children are truly a blessing from God.
Our men folk where caught up in the rugby as we all know by now 2 South African team came through to the finals of the Super 14, so off they wondered to watch it and our team the sharks
Sunday morning Service out at the camp grounds was so inspiring and what I got out of it was that we must know that God the Father is looking down saying “that’s My boy that’s My girl look at them I am so proud of them” Don't forget to let your own children know how proud you are of them its so important. We had an awesome time praising the Father together

Lets remember that today as we enjoy been the children of the Most high. To all that where at the camp thank you for making it one of the nicest family camps I have been too!!!!!!
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