Monday, December 10, 2007

Sunday at the Meyer's

The day heaven rocked, is the title to a article in one of the Christian mags I receive via mail, this was what happened today in Thandaza, there was an altar call and a young father responded and received Jesus as his personal Lord and Savior, what a beautiful picture as this dad was holding his new born babe in his arms, spiritually speaking this is what the father is doing to this young father, as he is now a baby in Gods kingdom. Alex preached out of Psalm 84 I love this psalm and I would rather be a doorkeeper in God’s house then anywhere else.

How I love Sundays when we came home from church I took my camera and just took some pictures of our garden Fred and I have been doing some work in the garden and I love these two pots that he bought so that we could close up a unsightly drain, who ever build this house was not into home décor that is for sure, I just want to share some of the beautiful sights I can see from my lounge, its summer here in south Africa and we are enjoying some lovely weather at the moment the terrible heat has not set in yet and I am hoping that it will remain that way for some time. I landed up not going to the beach this Sunday with the family and they where gracious enough to allow me to have a wonderful Sunday afternoon nap, I woke up from it feeling alive,

Our precious Kirsty-pie came home from live the life with a new African hair style which we call corn rows, she was tired irritated, yet we found her very insightful and when fred and I spoke later we realized that this little angel will not be swayed by others and is quite firm in her thinking, yet I know that this week that she has been away has been stretching for her as she is a homebody and so is her brother yet they both have hectic social lives her more then mark spark. Its good to have her home again, Mark Spark has gone to his best friend Cameron for the week but I know him by Wednesday he will be calling just to hear what we are doing and eating,

This will be my last week at work before going on leave, which I cant wait to do, I have been saying I have reached my capacity for people but the Holy Spirit kind of just brought me back to a place of Lord I am sorry I have been on my own mission for the past few weeks, in my own strength I have reached my capacity but in the Lords strength I have more then enough capacity to carry on. Yet I know that the Lord knows that we need to take a break and have some good family fun and meet with old dear friends that just blow wind into your sails, I cant wait only 7 more sleeps to holiday. Well its time for me to go and do my nightly routine of bath and cleansing cream etc and start to shushu down so I can have a good nights sleep. What a wonderful God we serve and as we sang today I serve a God who knows my name.