Friday, September 26, 2008


Yesterday I sat with a group of ladies and I watched and listen to all of them; the loud over the top the silent type, the somewhere in the middle, and you know what alarmed me most was their insecurities that each one faces in their lives.
Let me tell you about the red head beauty she is 55 doesn’t look a day over 40, has a body that screams I look after myself, and she keeps saying look how saggy I have become, look how big my butt is, she is beautiful but because of her husband leaving her for a 26 year old she has put on the lens of life saying you are not good enough you are old and of no use.
Next one she is 29 blonde has a wonderful husband that gives her everything her heart can desire, but she can’t keep a job for long she is a perfectionists but with that needs constant assurance that she is doing her best that she is the best at her job, where does it stem from her parents, she was an A student but was never good enough for her father, the lens she is wearing says if I can’t get 100% I am nothing.
What about the girl with all the curves that laughs out loud, she is stunning all the men think so and she is very popular, the woman feel threatened by her and in her words; “the church ladies think I am a whore! Because I get along better with the men then the woman because women destroy your personality.”
These are just a few from the group I was with yesterday.
I came back home and started to wonder and ponder and I am reminded that I cannot build who I am on the words of others I cannot be someone else I can only be me, and the assurance I need is from my heavenly Father, the Holy Spirit is the one that affirms who I am in Christ Jesus.
My favorite scripture is in Psalms 45:
My heart bursts its banks, spilling beauty and goodness. I pour it out in a poem to the king, shaping the river into words:
2-4 "You're the handsomest of men; every word from your lips is sheer grace, and God has blessed you, blessed you so much. Strap your sword to your side, warrior! Accept praise! Accept due honour! Ride majestically! Ride triumphantly! Ride on the side of truth! Ride for the righteous meek! 4-5 "Your instructions are glow-in-the-dark; you shoot sharp arrows into enemy hearts; the king's foes lie down in the dust, beaten. 6-7 "Your throne is God's throne, ever and always; the sceptre of your royal rule measures right living. You love the right and hate the wrong. And that is why God, your very own God, poured fragrant oil on your head, marking you out as king from among your dear companions.
8-9 "Your ozone-drenched garments are fragrant with mountain breeze. Chamber music—from the throne room— makes you want to dance. Kings' daughters are maids in your court, the Bride glittering with golden jewellery.
10-12 "Now listen, daughter, don't miss a word: forget your country, put your home behind you. Be here—the king is wild for you. Since he's your lord, adore him. Wedding gifts pour in from Tyre; rich guests shower you with presents." 13-15 (Her wedding dress is dazzling, lined with gold by the weavers; all her dresses and robes are woven with gold. She is led to the king, followed by her virgin companions. A procession of joy and laughter! A grand entrance to the king's palace!) 16-17 "Set your mind now on sons— don't dote on father and grandfather. You'll set your sons up as princes all over the earth. I'll make you famous for generations; you'll be the talk of the town for a long, long time."
Dolla's accept the beauty's you are and live to the fullest in the beauty of who Christ has made you!!!!!!

Love always me


Profbaugh said...

A big AMEN to that!!


Anonymous said...

Lord Jesus, this world hurts so much, so many define themselves by the worlds standards, they need you and your healing touch..empower us to be your hands and feet..please send more help to this field...

Love you dolla!